
Tick season is 365 days a year on the South Shore

Tick season is 365 days a year on the South Shore.

I remember when I was a child growing up in the Annapolis Valley when there were ticks on the south side of the Annapolis River, but not on the north side. We only ever saw them in the spring-time, and it was common knowledge that once the summer heat came around, the ticks would be gone until the following spring. It always struck me as odd and I wondered if somehow, they would ever cross one of the bridges to get to the other side.

Times have certainly changed since the 1990s. We've seen a dramatic increase in the tick population and in the number of invasive species. Ticks used to be just a nuisance, but now they are a major health threat to humans and animals alike.

The South Shore of Nova Scotia is now a major hotspot for ticks carrying Lyme disease and anaplasmosis, which are both bacterial infections transmitted to humans, dogs, and cats, by a bite from an infected black-legged tick. Ticks are not just around in the spring and fall anymore - in the last number of years, we have seen ticks on any given day of the year.

We have to protect ourselves and our furry friends from this disease.

That includes daily tick checks on ourselves before bed, and a good rub and brush for our furry companions. There are also topical and oral preventatives for dogs and cats, and a Lyme vaccination available to dogs – talk to your veterinarian on what would work best for your furry friends, and don't forget to do your own research as well. This is so important for your health, and the health of your cherished pets.

A reminder for all members of the SHAID Tree Shelter Society that our annual general meeting is happening May 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Best Western in Cookville. All members are invited to attend; please RSVP to info@shaidanimalshelter.com

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