
This week at SHAID Tree Animal Shelter

Last week, you read about our Orange Crew, the eight senior orange cats whose owner passed away unexpectedly and they were left with no one to care for them, with the house being closed up in days.

We want to thank our community for stepping up and helping these cats by donating to their desperately-needed dental care. Within a week we have raised over half of the funds needed to pay for these seven surgeries for Belladonna, Valencia, Minneola, Tropicana, Julius, Dole, and Cara Cara; along with a full geriatric blood panel for 17-year-old Satsuma.

We are thrilled to say that Satsuma has already been adopted! The seven dental surgeries will all be completed by Oakland Veterinary Hospital by March 6.

Other cats currently looking for homes are Cassanova, a five-year-old, short-haired orange male with a really big head and a really big heart. He is now a gentle lover who has very recently left behind a life on the streets as a big fighting tom cat, and still bears many scars. He has tested negative for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus, is freshly neutered and had dental work completed, has had a full vet check, been treated for parasites, vaccinated, and microchipped.

Cayenne is a spicy three-year-old female who loves hard on her terms and will quickly let you know when she's had enough attention from her human servant. She is a very uniquely-coloured, reddish-orange tabby with gorgeous golden eyes.

Lil' Gremlin is a sweet and loving one-year-old solid black short-haired mini panther. She was rescued after having been found roaming in the woods, and was extremely malnourished when first brought to the shelter. Since then she has gained weight and trust, and would make a wonderful companion in an otherwise cat-free home.

We are open to the public from Tuesdays-Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and welcome you to come meet our available animals.

Be sure to watch for our upcoming second annual online auction, filled with local restaurant gift cards, awesome experiences, and cool products (from homemade quilts to pet supplies packages). This auction is in support of our medical fund for our community's homeless and/or abandoned animals.

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